Star Pilot Technologies





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The demo versions of these products are all available for free download. However, if you use them on a regular basis, and would like to enable all of the features in each application, we ask that you please consider purchasing.

Several methods of purchase are avilable for each application. Choose whichever vendor you feel the most comfortable with. There is no difference in purchasing through one website versus another. All orders will be filled by Star Pilot Technologies. If you have any questions, please contact our purchasing department.

Star Pilot Platinum
Benefits of Purchase
* Full featured version of Star Pilot
* Full featured version of Sol! II
* Full featured version of Moon Info!
* Full featured version of Messier!
* Full featured version of Planets
* Full featured version of Sol System
* Full featured version of J-Moons!
* Full featured version of Saturn!
* Full featured version of Night Sky
* Full featured version of NGC!
* Full featured version of Solstice!
* A savings of $29.60 compared to buying each product individually!
How to Order
Star Pilot Platinum costs $44.95 and can be purchased via PayPal below:

Star Pilot Advanced
Benefits of Purchase
* Full featured version of Star Pilot
* Full featured version of Sol! II
* Full featured version of Moon Info!
* Full featured version of Messier!
* Full featured version of Planets
* Full featured version of Sol System
* Full featured version of J-Moons!
* Full featured version of Solstice!
* A savings of $19.75 compared to buying each product individually!
How to Order
Star Pilot Advanced costs $29.95 and can be purchased via PayPal below:

Night Sky
Benefits of Purchase
* Removal of application startup delay
* Free v1.xx upgrades
How to Order
Night Sky costs $9.95 and can be purchased from any PayPal below:

Sun & Moon
Benefits of Purchase
* Full featured version of Sol! II
* Full featured version of Moon Info!
* A savings of $4.95 compared to buying each product individually!
How to Order
Sun & Moon costs $14.95 and can be purchased from PayPal below:

Star Pilot Plus
Benefits of Purchase
* Full featured version of Star Pilot
* Full featured version of Sol! II
* Full featured version of J-Moons!
* Full featured version of Solstice!
* A savings of $4.95 compared to buying each product individually!
How to Order
Star Pilot Plus costs $19.95 and can be purchased from PayPal below:

Star Pilot
Benefits of Purchase
* Ability to search for stars by name
* Ability to search for constellations by name
* A larger star and constellation database
* Ability to select dates other than the current day for the star map to view
How to Order
Star Pilot costs $9.95 and can be purchased from PayPal below:

Benefits of Purchase
* More sort options for Messier information and observation records
* Ability to change the date/time information is displayed for
* Ability to export observation records to MemoPad
How to Order
Messier! costs $4.95 and can be purchased from PayPal below:

Benefits of Purchase
* More sort options for planetary information and observation records
* Ability to change the date/time information is displayed for
* Ability to export observation records to MemoPad
How to Order
Planets! costs $4.95 and can be purchased from PayPal below:

Benefits of Purchase
* Ability to sort results by options other than NGC #
* Ability to change the date/time information is displayed for
* Ability to export observation records to MemoPad
How to Order
NGC! costs $4.95 and can be purchased from PayPal below:

Sol System
Benefits of Purchase
* More preferences are available in display, orbit, and date menu options
* Can set a date more than 5 years from the current date
How to Order
Sol System costs $4.95 and can be purchased from PayPal below:
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